You Can change someone's life by giving

Young People of Today Inc. Is an Non- Profit organization that is a digital platform open to sponsors and collecting donations to be distributed for our youth/community in need.. We build strength, stability, positive attitudes and self reliance through communities.


The mission of the Y.P.O.T. Inc.

"Young People of Today " Recreation, is to provide young people a variety of quality programs and activities. We create experiences that make our community a better place, Y.P.O.T. is where we encourage youth to make right choices, set goals and achieve them. We strongly let our youth know that they Matter and how important they are; we remind them that communication is always the key.

We enjoy teaching them how to strive for excellence in every area of their lives. We are honest, loyal and always a listening ear. Our youth are our first priority. Our values are embedded into our organization making us true leaders which We believe "positive minds make good Vibes". Y.P.O.T. recreational is here to fulfill the needs of the youth community to create long lasting memories.


Our Vision

We are here to offer the youth/community the best service possible, selection of attention, emotional support and great advice. We will be the leaders in promoting and providing good communication, togetherness with outstanding opportunities in our community.Our visions are larger than you can imagine.

"Give A Hand To Make
The Better World"

Core Values

Family Relationships







Building longterm friendships.


Organization started EST. 2022

"Young People of Today " Non-Profit Organization is here to support our youth in their personal and educational areas, positive experiences, social skills and opportunities to build relationships.We are asking families to take the time and think about all that our youth face daily, at school, home, work, among peers, and even on the school bus. This is why we are here to help solve some of the problems for our "young people of today". It really takes a village to help guide our young people. Help us to keep them Positively Busy with clear minds ready to make the right choices. These are some great tips that can help make our community a better place for young people in our community.

Board Members
Mrs. T. Robertson - CEO
Mr. Frank Robertson - CFO
Ms. Tootie Brown - Development Director
Mrs. Raq Cade - Board Secretary
Mrs. Latriece B - Board Services

Here We Are


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Your Donation Can Change Someone’s Life